Today I would like to offer you my services, a sportsman or not, an individual, a business manager, or an employee, with the stated objective of helping you gain years of life in good physical and mental health, apart from the setback of disease.
Do good to your body so that your soul wants to stay there.
Discover the Health Coach section and et vous comprendrez mieux, je ne parle pas de sport, mais d’une hygiène de vie articulaire et musculaire au quotidien (20mn), dès lors que l’on sait quoi faire et pourquoi nous le faisons.
My chaos, is today a force. Brought down by defective equipment, my reconstruction, which lasted 6 years, was a wealth of knowledge, an incredible experience that I wish to share today. It took me 8 years to return to performance in my life by trying to understand and interpret these morning pains which handicapped my body and by ricochet effect my mind every morning, therefore my mind, and put in place paths of solutions to live my life as I wanted. The in all its forms was my salvation movement, various techniques of initiation, learning to listen to my body, my energies…
Crédit photo © : Richard BORD | Marc REBUTTINI | Olivier LEBLOND | Alban PERNET | TAM TAM | Eric BARONE