There is no plan B for health and the planet
There is no plan B for health and the planet
Lifestyle changes are more powerful in warding off disease and boosting one’s immune system than drugs.
Eric Barone
A particular professional and sporting career where 99% of my time was devoted to my physical and mental preparation. To better understand what I’m saying, here is a summary of this observation of my time spent on my physical and mental preparation:
20 years is the length of my sports career.
40 minutes is the real time of my on-court workouts.
19 years + 364 days and 23h20, is the time that I wanted to carry out my projects and take care of my physical and mental preparation, going for the detail to achieve my goals which each year were always more ambitious
Physical trainer since 1986, I experienced the accident, the one that hurts the body and the mind a lot, I narrowly escaped death (see the video), and during my 6 years of reconstruction I understood that the man had a great potential but very little activated perhaps because no tool had been proposed to him.
Since 2019 I have been working on a methodical and educational approach to a model of a beneficial lifestyle with the aim of healthy aging. A method, a program, an object, a coach.
I’m not talking about sport but about a joint, muscular and mental lifestyle, 20 minutes / day is enough when you know what to do and why you do it.
My job is to raise awareness and intervene upstream on everyone, by offering specific and targeted support in order to make you physically and mentally stronger in the face of the vagaries of life such as stress, work pressure, stiffness, pain, fatigue, accident and even more serious burn out or even suicide.
Being well in body and in mind is synonymous with a certain control of one’s behavior in the face of a problem, whether relational or otherwise.
The longevity of our beautiful human machine deserves that we take care of it, physically and mentally, because a day that passes is a day less to live, or less brutal, a day that will not come back.
Hippocrates already said: “If we could give each individual the right amount of food and exercise, neither too little nor too much, we would have found the surest way to health”.
Crédit photo © : Richard BORD | Marc REBUTTINI | Olivier LEBLOND | Alban PERNET | TAM TAM | Eric BARONE